Product Details


Potassium Humate

No.Testing ItemsSpecification
1HA (Dry basis)70.0% Min
2Fe30.0% Min
3Pb20 PPM Max
4Cd10 PPM Max
5As2 PPM Max

Applications & Advantages

Promote the soil structure, improve resistance to stress for soil, especially reduce salts in alkaline soils. Reduce pesticide residue, prevent soil from contamination of heavy metallic ions, enhance soil ability of Anti-hard water. Stimulate plants growth. Increase yield and improve quality of plants. Improve nutrient uptake through the leaves and roots. Improve the effectiveness of pesticides. Keep well-balanced nutrition.

Potassium Humate

Applications & Advantages

SOP is high efficient potassium fertilizer especially for these crops. which include tobacco, fruits and vegetables. Ideal saline-alkali soil and sandy soil conditioner. High quality raw material for NPK fettilizer.

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